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How can I lose fat successfully?

We get a lot of questions about our nutrition program at CrossFit GVA. People especially want to know how it works, and more importantly, if it works. There are no secrets to our fat loss program. If you're able to implement the changes necessary to lose some, it works every time. Of course, that doesn't make it easy, and the reason so many people fail in their fat loss efforts is the inability to implement those changes.

Perhaps a more relevant approach would be to understand what it takes to successfully lose fat. Here are some of the prerequisites that we hope will help you decide whether to participate in our nutrition coaching.

You need to be motivated and disciplined.
A coach can provide you with all the tools you need to reach your goal, but ultimately, it's up to you to use those tools. No coach on earth can convince you to do something you don't want to do. A coach is there to accompany and guide you along your journey, and to provide support. However, if you're not motivated and disciplined, coaching won't help you. You need to make changes to your diet, but not the ones you think.

You need to develop your own diet plan.
You could be given the best fat-loss diet ever devised, but if it contains foods you don't like to eat, you won't follow it. A more effective approach is to take your current diet and modify it to better suit your goals. Big changes in your diet may be sustainable in the short term, but what about the long term? Adjusting your current diet allows you to continue eating the foods you love and is sustainable in the long term.

Dieting is hard, but not the way you think.
When most people think of dieting, they picture themselves crying into a plate of lettuce while their friends are next door eating ice cream. Not so! You may have to cut back on calorie-rich foods like ice cream and pizza for a while, but you don't have to deprive yourself of everything you love. More importantly, you absolutely don't need to starve yourself. Diets are difficult to follow because they require planning, preparation and execution.

Planning is essential.
This ties in with the previous point. Dieting is all about planning. You need to know in advance all the meals you're going to eat during your diet phase. If you decide to eat as you go, you won't get the results you want. The effort needed to succeed in losing fat lies much more in planning your meals than in actually eating them.

You have to measure.
No matter what the diet industry says, you need to eat less than you do now if you want to lose fat.

But how much less and how do you know if it's too much?
The only way to know how much you should be eating is to have a measuring system. This could be counting calories, reducing portion sizes or the number of meals you eat. There are many different approaches, but there has to be some kind of measurement system.

You need to have the right living conditions before starting a fat loss phase.
This may sound strange, but it's important. A fat loss phase is stressful for your body. You're forcing it to do something it doesn't want to do at all. You need to factor this stress into the other potential stressors in your life. Are you busy at work, do you have young children, are you having problems with your partner or family, are you worried about money? None of us is 100% stress-free at any given time, and there's always something going on. However, you need to find a period of 8 to 12 weeks during which your other stress factors are reduced to a minimum. This will enable you to stay focused on your goal and not be distracted or demotivated by external factors.

It's not forever!
A diet phase should last no longer than 3 months. No one can or should diet indefinitely. It's important to have an end point in mind, otherwise the mental stress of dieting can be overwhelming.

Hopefully, by the end of your first diet phase, you'll have achieved some success. However, perhaps most importantly, you'll have the tools you need to implement other diet phases when you need them.

CrossFit GVA nutrition program

The aim of our program is to teach you the basics of setting up a nutrition plan. It begins with a one-on-one meeting with a coach and an inBody scan. You then receive an individualized nutrition plan based on your current body composition.

For the next 6 weeks, you'll have daily contact with your coach to help you understand your plan, adopt daily habits that will help you execute your plan and make any necessary adjustments. You'll be able to talk to your coach at any time during the course, and at the end, you'll wrap up with a final one-on-one meeting and a new scan to assess your progress.

The course price is CHF 150 including :

???? 2 individual meetings
???? 2 inBody scans
???? 1 personal nutrition plan

If you need more information about our nutrition coaching, send us an email.

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