The stroke rate is the number of strokes you perform every minute. The greater the number, the faster you go and the higher your heart rate. For a 2K test, you should try to keep your heart rate stable so that you have enough fuel in the tank until the end. You can find the stroke rate either at the bottom left of the screen, or at the top right - it's marked SPM.
Speed on the
he seat will determine your rowing rhythm. When you pull, that's when you want power. When you come up to the wheel, that's when you want to recover and go slower. That's the trick, my friends, to conquering 2K.
So what's the ideal rowing rhythm?
This will vary for everyone, but the rule is to keep it under 30 SPM for the 2K. Don't start with a sprint! For your first 1000m keep it around 25 - 27 SPM. When you reach 1500m, start moving it up to 28 SPM, then 29 SPM and finish at 30 SPM.
Some of you won't row as fast. If your cardio isn't your strong point, slow down a little and aim for consistency throughout.